Hermes jewelry introduced its jewelry components

Hermes jewelry introduced its jewelry components

Tint of gold is actually jewellery fineness of gold. In accordance with the provisions of China’s jewelry industry, jewelry in the color gold with silver components is called a clear-colored gold, jewelry stores in the past in identifying Clear Color when there is a formula: seven green, eight yellow and 95 at Chek Lap Kok. It’s called the seven green. Is the value 70%. Silver 30%, gold with green and yellow colors and eight yellow. Is 80% gold and silver 20%. Gold yellowish color: 95 deficit was gold 95%, Silver 5%, gold red yellow color. Yes, sure. There are other color Clear Color gold. Pure color gold 50% for gold content. Whether recognition is clear-color gold. Just apply the litmus test of waves material grinding. Colors clear, is recognized. Mutatis mutandis to gold medal as “corresponding value can be measured.

What color of gold

Mixed color gold jewelry a gold color, and the color is different. In addition to material contains gold, also contains eyes. Copper, with trace amounts of aluminum and other materials. Jewelry k gold, for example, is a mix of gold. In synthesis of mixed colored gold, silver and copper ratio is the ratio of 37. Copper is the use of pure copper of high purity (also known as the purple Tong).
Fake Hermes Jewelry
Verification is a process-color gold or clear color gold. There are two types: first is the fire way to identify. Often mixed colored gold in the meet after high temperature. material will appear black, and black, with increasing copper content and more and more obvious. Second is the touchstone method to identify materials in red if on the touchstone. For process-color gold, materials on the litmus test if appear yellow. It is clear-color gold. In addition, from looking at the glossy. Mixed color gold is mixed gray, achromatic gold is clear. To also process color-gold gold, nitric acid method can be used, specific methods are as follows: materials friction on the touchstone, and then a few drops of liquid nitrate and cigarette ashes. At this point, the material that is changing. Use clear water to silver and bronze. Finally left gold, according to the color left on the touchstone, and, mutatis mutandis, to the gold medal, gold-bearing the number can be drawn. Process gold to a clear color gold is hard, it is more suitable for making jewels such as jewelry, deficiency is more brittle and prone to breakage.
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