Tag Archives: Hermes H Earrings Replica

Hermes jewelry, jewelry is one of the most popular

Hermes jewelry, jewelry is one of the most popular
Popular jewelry is a kind of what kind of jewelry? The current popular things a lot, there are popular songs, popular color, fashion apparel. From what is called pop. They have a common characteristic: spread fast. Influence is very wide. Many admirers. So, the so-called popular jewelry is: novel style. Easy for consumers to accept. And quickly spread and popular for a while. In foreign countries, there are one or more kinds of popular jewelry every year. In the western society Mi Shen market such a sentence: – “pop is beauty”, often a popular product appearance would set off a burst of tears. And immediately swept the market.
Popular jewelry can be divided into popular style, popular types, materials, color, popular, functional and other conditions. now。 We have changed the world of fashion jewelry in recent years. Make a brief introduction, the phenomenon of some tendency to sum up, for your reference.
Styles popular this kind of phenomenon are evident in the 70’s of the 20th century, was then subjected to the influence of Impressionism Picasso, jewelry popular styles of Tai to “impression”. This thought as the design theme of Impressionism, and formed a trend. Called “impression style hot”,
The kind of popular by thousands of jewelry is a relatively small ornament. It is often matched with other decorations. Such as fashion. Once remember. In Sui fashion, jewelry is also a popular ah ‘”rotten feet hot”, recently a new trend of the eye. And jewelry is also popular from the bracelet hot”,
Materials popular in. Seventy’s not. In the early eighty’s, the economic depression in the west. People buy power down, jewelry manufacturers see this is a good time to sell imitation gold material. One time. Various types of non precious metals, non jewelry have come out. So that. From the bone, wood, stone, jewelry to plastics and synthetic materials, are very popular.
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The color is popular, and it is not unrelated to the popular color in the world. But the color of jewelry has its particularity. In recent years, foreign jewelry popular religious yellow, white and black color combination, the truth is: yellow is a symbol of abundance. White is a symbol of constancy, black symbolizes the strong. The mixture of the three reached the ideal perfect. But from the psychological analysis. May be due to the economic instability in the world today, the divorce rate is high. War without stop worrying.
Popular function. This phenomenon is a new trend of thought in modern industry. Recent international jewelry competitions are not carried out on this theme. Multi use jewelry is a feature of the popular representative.
To sum up, the popularity of popular jewelry can be popular. Is a certain social, economic, cultural and other due to the lack of. Some of the anticipated jewelry designers. Often based on these factors. The introduction of a number of different content of the popular jewelry.

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Not the same as the Hermes jewelry, fashion jewelry. Opening jewelry

Not the same as the Hermes jewelry, fashion jewelry. Opening up new fields of jewelry industry
Fashion jewelry name is from the function of jewelry to understand. It is from the Bauhaus style – a Bauhaus design institute in Germany, it was founded in 1919. The Bauhaus advocate the integration of art and technology, this kind of design has a great impact on industrial design later. For Bauhaus in international academic circles, the design sector enjoys a high reputation, so called, Bauhaus style jewelry and fashion combine matching. Fashion jewelry history is from the beginning of the Second World War, when the production of the capitalist countries gradually restored, the corresponding increase in physical strength, wearing a particular stress. From the entire consumer structure. The first major category of goods is fashion. It is in view of fashion in the life of the prominent position, a traditional jewelry from the points of high fashion jewelry came into being. Since then, jewelry decoration has opened up a new area.
Replica Hermes jewelry

Hermes H Earrings Replica This is a very exciting jewelry, where the price is very cheap. Here is not just a few of the jewelry, you can also go to see your own favorite, very good, oh, I believe you will see the price is also very surprised, here is the sale Replica Hermes jewelry wait.
Fashion jewelry is closely related to fashion design, technology, color and function. For example. The color of traditional jewelry, with yellow and white majority, and fashion jewelry color. Is a fashion color for reference, not only yellow, and black, blue, red, purple and other colors. Diversification of fashion jewelry materials. Also general jewelry can not be compared. It can be made of bone, wood, thread, skin and stone. With the traditional styles of fashion jewelry jewelry is very different, the traditional jewelry patterns for the flower pattern, multiple styles for regular geometry, the styles of fashion jewelry is rich and varied. A popular fashion, its style tends to compact, elegant, relaxed fashion popular, its style is rough, exaggerated. As for patterns. From small to small hammer, pliers, scissors, have seen little whistle. This is an interesting design of eye-opening.
On the other hand, fashion jewelry breaks through the boundaries of the real (precious metal, jewelry, jade jewelry) and imitation (imitation gold jewelry, etc.). In fashion jewelry, at the same time, the gold and iron material for making jewelry, specifically platinum with imitation jewelry materials fusion in the product. to make a long story short。 The novelty and variety of fashion jewelry is the harmony and balance between fashion and fashion. Contrast, complementary and other effects based. Now, in luxury. Soft silk embroidered clothes hanging on a string of open collar bone stone beads and customs. Swept away the traditional carving delicate gas; between the white blouse and black skirt and a cluster of hate grey plastron, as increased levels of color also coordinated visual contrast: show a wrist like a grid shaped Bracelet in uneven texture of wool shirt cuffs, immediately dressed in regular of different costumes repercussions. That’s the allure of fashion jewelry.